Evaluating Drinking Water Options For The Home And Office

bullet imagebullet imageHome offices present several challenges for the owner. Among them is maintaining safety for anyone who works with the owner as well as the family living inside the home. These challenges include reducing the risk of contamination of the water supply. A Whole house filter could present the owner with several advantages and a reduction of costs.

What Option is Better for the Home and Office?

Water filtration systems come in a variety of options. These selections present several benefits. Among these selections are systems that connect to the water supply directly. They connect to the top or bottom of the faucet. This allows the owner to acquire safer water by filtering the supply coming into the home.

These systems use reverse osmosis to eliminate all harmful substances entering into the property. The systems have a membrane that collects all toxins, bacteria, and rust that enter through the water lines from the local supply. They allow clean, safe water to enter only and force all toxins down the drain. This prevents these substances from poisoning workers, the owner, or their family through drinking water.

How is this Option Better?

This option could reduce the total cost of water filtration. By adding it to the existing water supply, it eliminates the need to purchase bottled water. This could save the owner hundreds of dollars. They could acquire the recommended daily water intake requirements without worrying about contaminants. Since it connects to the existing water supply, the owner would face expenses related to this utility only.

Evaluating the Costs and Impact

Property owners accessing local water supplies pay for the water they use as well as sewage. For the average family, this could equate to around $40 each month depending on their geographical region. The average cost of bottled water is around $7.50 for each gallon. If the average business owner uses at least one gallon per day, the cost of supplying water is around $225 per month. In-home water filtration could reduce this cost by $185 each month.

Home office owners should evaluate opportunities to reduce potential overhead costs. Their choice for achieving safer drinking water could affect these costs. Water filtration could present them with a greater savings than bottled water. Home office owners who wish to evaluate these choices or an Office water machine should contact their preferred supplier now.